I'm going to share them with you, so you can apply them to your future trips.
We begin with the Puke Point Proposal (PPP).
So you start out sober, as seen on this image which I made:
Then you drink X drinks to hit your Puke Point, and the first time, PP1, is easily conquered. You have to push past the Puke Point, and continue drinking so that your night can keep getting awesomer. With each rotation of the drunk circle, the number of drinks between Puke Points is decreased by half. So, between PP1 and PP2, you can only have half of X number of drinks you had to hit PP1. Get it?
So Alison drinks 10 drinks to go from sober to vomiting. Then she conquers PP1 and can have 5 more drinks before hitting PP2. This goes on and on and on until you hit critical capacity/alcohol poisoning.
According to my extremely accurate math, Alison has to drink 4.6 drinks per hour while in Vegas. Easy!LAST, and my favorite is:
So the math is pretty complicated but it ends up being about 20 dudes for Alison's NoPYHTBWIV number. I doubt you guys would quite understand it, because it was over Alison's head too. Don't worry, I'm smart.
A good rule of thumb is that if the number is under 15, you're doing something wrong. Check the numbers!
I highly suggest you apply these explanations, sequences and proposals to your own life and Vegas trips. They will only serve you well, as they will serve me and Alison.
Moral of the story: Vegas is the place your liver goes to die.
Vegas is amazing! I keep trying to plan trips back and they always fall through. Have a few (dozen) drinks for me!