Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stalking and Shocking

Stalking is a major problem in relationships. Women often find themselves the subjects of these unwanted advances and creepy fans.

I am looking out for your safety, here at the Not So Virgin Mary blog, and so, in the interest of keeping all of you un-dead, here is a pair of cautionary tales.

My friend Alison.

That's all you need to know.

Alison is...not good at noticing things. She doesn't notice people staring at her in public places, or that she's about to try and wear that shirt she spilled Bagel Bites on, or that she can't drink half a fifth without getting sick (this based on the fact she's tried it a couple times now and it has yet to go well for her).
There's the back story.
Here's the rest of it: Alison started taking Russian during the Fall quarter of our freshman year of college. In that class she met a boy. His real name is Cole but we call him "Russian Boy." He's not Russian, he's just from the class. He asked her to be 'study partners' and we all know what that means...except Alison. She did not see it coming when he kissed her.
He came to her dorm room, crawled onto her bed, snuggled in and tried to make her study something else (heyoh). I'll describe the following events in her own words, "I only got a hickey because I was busy thinking about sandwiches so I didn't tell him to get off my neck."
So yeah.
They 'studied' together a few times and then she stopped answering his texts and calls part way through the quarter. It was half because he was coming on really strong and half because I might have broken her phone so she couldn't read and respond to texts...who knows the real reasoning?
He got really mopey.
One morning Alison's roommate woke up to go to work at 6am. She left the door unlocked. Alison roused a few hours later, confused and bleary eyed but certain of the thing lying next to her bed...a rose. A single red rose. YEAH. That happened. She rolled over and hoped it would go away but no, when I came over later that morning to make her come get breakfast/lunch with me, it was still there.
My theory: he broke in, cuddled with her, left the rose and gave her a single, lasting, final kiss before leaving her forever.
That rose.
A symbol for creepiness for all times.

The second tale is actually kind of scary.
Stacey was our friend during freshman year, but she was a year older than us. We loved her. She was popular with everyone, and that includes creepy dudes. She had been getting weird phone calls for a while now, all from a private number she couldn't call back. They were the heavy breathing sort of calls. You know.
One day she had a lab that got out around eight pm and she was walking across the main section of campus (Red Square) when she got the worst of these calls.
She answered.
"Do you feel safe walking across Red Square all alone at night?"
Here is what Stacey should have done: hung up, gone to a well lit and crowded place, called the cops, and filed a report.
Here is what she did: laugh it off, call her mom to tell her, then come to us and tell us about it. Point: SHE DID NOT CALL THE COPS.

My friends are not good at this 'life' thing.
So don't be like them: don't get creeped on. Or, more importantly, don't be a creeper.

Unless it's facebook creeping, that's unavoidable.

Moral: Don't be Alison and Stacey.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dirty, Dirty

Once upon a time we went to Verona, Italy. I was invited by two of the girls in my study abroad program; Erika and Martini. They technically both named Erika/Eryka but I feel like that could be confusing to read and keep track of if you don't actually know them. One is very blond and the other is very not. They are a fun pair and I was excited to get to travel with them.
We left on Friday morning, via the train and it took a couple hours to arrive in Verona, which, you'll not be surprised to hear, was FUCKING freezing. It was raining, I had no pants on, and it was easily -312 degrees Celsius. So we arrived at our B&B and were surprised by how beautiful and clean and nice it was. For a place you find on for 23euro a night, this place had super comfy beds and nice bathrooms and it was clean and cute and apparently run by a couple of gays (who were adorable). That's besides the point.
We then went exploring, almost died from frostbite coldness, and saw Christmas markets.

Verona is a beautiful place defined by a play written by a guy who never went there (Shakespeare never left Britain), and made up most of the people. There is some truth to the families, though they had vaguely different names. There was a feud between two of the families, but Shakespeare appropriated all that for his play. Verona obviously took advantage of the fame and made everything Romeo and Juliet themed. You can go to her 'house' and her 'tomb' and Romeo's 'house' and the only available souvenirs are Romeo and Juliet motif. In actuality, there is nothing particularly romantic about Verona.

It's the name of a store we found.

After a day of freezing and hoping to find a fire to throw myself on just so my core temperature could rise a few degrees, we went back to our hostel and crawled into bed around nine. You may say that is kind of early for three awesome girls like us, and that's true, it is, but at that point we just wanted to be warm and we were exhausted from travel and being frigid cold all day.
So we were laying around, still super cold, laughing and talking into the night until we got tired.
Eventually someone asked, "What's your number?"
We aren't talking about phone number either. That's code for "How slutty are you?" or "What are the chances you have herpes?"

Erika and Martini answered, but their numbers aren't important to the story (and also publicizing that without asking would be rude), and then I told them..."Seventeen."
Martini laughed and Erika just shot up in bed and screamed "YOU DIRTY GINGER."
Which is funny a) because that has nothing to do with how many people I've kissed and b) because I'm solidly within the brown-blond range of hair color and totally not even sort of a ginger.

It was an interesting reaction to say the least, and it makes for a good story. Erika: great at life lessons...and insults.

Moral of the story: All gingers are whores...apparently.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Jamaican Men

Haven't we all dated a Jamaican dude? Even if we haven't dated them, we've all at least slept with a man from The Island. Right? Anybody? ...Bueller? ...Bueller?

Then I will rightfully assume that even if you have not done so yet then it is in your immediate plans to acquire some coconut scented, steel drum soundtrack'd, dreadlocked, ganja toking, Cool Runnings loving, Bob Marley-esque night time canoodling.

<-- Right? Am I right?

As someone who has kissed a Jamaican dude from time to time, I feel especially able to give you some fun facts about kissing them.

Here we go: While generally they're the same as every other guy, you should know a few key things.  Somehow they have a magic ability to choose the best rums when you go alcohol shopping. It must have something to do with the fact that they drink rum instead of milk when they're babies...everyone knows coconut rum has the same nutritional value as your mother's milk.
Potentially don't insist they play steel drums all the time, unless they can actually do that and then make them follow you around with it and play a sweet tink-ly sound track to your daily activities. Also, speak to them in a terrible fake accent as little as possible. Turns out they're offended by that...sissies. Who gets offended by stereotyping?

How to Choose A Jamaican:

How tall is he? Over six feet? -Good Jamaican
How well can he roll a 'cigarette'? Excellently? -GOOD Jamaican
Does he wear a lot of Rasta colors? Yes? -Fun Jamaican.
Does he have dreads? Yes? -Get the fuck out of there. Dreads are gross on everyone.
But does he have an afro? Yes? -AWESOME Jamaican
Can he quote every line from Cool Runnings? -Yes? -Marry him.

I suppose much of my advice come from my experience with just the one Jamaican, but that's cool because they're all the same right?

Moral of the story: Racism works.