Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ex's and Oh's

Here's a little diddy I like to call "Dating or being friends with your friend's ex."
I also like to call it "bullshit."

People always want to try this. There's a girl or boy who has been around your friend group for awhile, dating someone you know. They're nice. They're cute. They're fun. Oh yay!
Then your friend breaks up with them. Oh no!
You like this person, either as a friend or as a little more than that. So what to do?

Well, first thing's first, don't fucking date them right away.
This ruins friendships, and not only that, but groups of friendships. Whole social cliques are split up and ruined for ages because of this sort of douchebaggery.

Do you see? Do you see the rule with my sweet, totally not generated in Microsoft Word graphic? Can I be more clear?

I think being friends, and especially being good friends with an ex of your friend is pretty shitty. I know people who are like this, who insist they'd never date a friend's ex, but still hang out with the ex or talk to them all the time. "I'd never date Ex because Friend and I are such good friends!" Well then why the fuck are you hanging out with Ex all the time?
That means your friend has to deal with you talking to and about the ex all the time.
After three years and other serious relationships? Not a huge deal.
Three days later and your friend is still in the sweatpants and ice cream phase? Pretty big deal.

I don't mean to say you can never be social with a friend's ex, and it's not to say that everyone your friends hook up with is off limits, but I am saying that you need to be more considerate of your friend.
Ask if they're okay with it!
Try to not suck.

Moral of the story: If you do this, then


  1. I agree. Dating a friend's ex is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal low.

  2. So here's a question:
    If a guy dumps you, may you hit on/date his friends? Who is responsible for not being a douchebag, just your ex's friends, or you as the dumped person of interest as well?

  3. I would say that, as a dumpee, you should stay away from his/her friend circle because it will put you in proximity to your dumper, and that could be hard/awkward/sad for you. You and your ex's friends are all responsible for not being douchey. Find a new group to date in, for your happiness and theirs.
